Guide To The Fictional World
The stories on this blog are set in a fictional universe that is very different from the real world. Many of the differences in this universe wouldn't make any sense or would be physically impossible in the real world, but the point is not to be realistic in these stories. These stories are purely sexual fantasies. This post outlines the major differences and explains them so that readers will understand my stories. This post will likely be updated over time as I write more stories and add more details to the fictional world. Feel free to comment and ask questions and I will do my best to respond and explain. Most characters in these stories are based on or inspired by real-life actors and/or the characters they portray in movies/television series, but only to a certain extent. I will be making separate character profiles for the various main characters as they are introduced in the stories. Now for the rules of this fictional universe. Firstly; this is an all-male universe...