Character Profile: Simon Mitchell

Name: Simon Mitchell

Sexual Designation: Beta

Occupation: Student

Character Inspiration: Nick Robinson/Simon Spier/Zach Mitchell

Physical Traits: short dark hair, hazel eyes, no facial hair, tall and sinewy physique with a smooth chest and with armpit and pubic hair.

Character Biography:
Simon Mitchell was born and raised in the town of Black Ridge by his loving parents; his Dad, Josh Mitchell, and his Father, Anthony Mitchell. Simon had a very stable childhood with his idyllic family and developed into a very friendly and courteous young man. Simon has always felt a strong desire to offer help to other people when they need it.

While attending Black Ridge High he quickly made friends with most of the other Beta students and would often defend his classmate, Kevin, from the ridicule of the Alpha students. He became Kevin's closest friend, with benefits, and at the beginning of this new school year he took an instant liking to the new student, Tommy Holliday. All three boys became fast friends.

After considering how he felt about living-up to his parents' expectations for him, Simon decided to let both his parents know that he felt ready to be given to an Alpha for marriage and become a proper Beta male husband. He admitted however, that he still needed more knowledge about sex and his parents were happy to oblige by demonstrating sexual intercourse for him. While he knows that some people might disapprove of his parents' methods, he feels that this has only brought his family closer together.


  1. I'm so excited to see more of him!

  2. Hi can you make the profile for Christian Adam too?

  3. I'll be making a profile for Christian soon.

  4. Hey, can you please write a story where he gets gangbanged. Thanks!!


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